Renewal of the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) – Have your say


Derby City Council are currently looking into the renewal of the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for the city centre.

 A PSPO deals with a particular nuisance in a particular area that is having a detrimental effect on the quality of life for those in the local community. It can prohibit certain things or require specific things to be done. Failure to comply with the order can result in a fine or a fixed penalty notice.

 The PSPO for the city centre will cover the following activities:

  1. Intoxicating substances: No person shall ingest, inhale, inject, smoke or otherwise use intoxicating substances in a public place, excluding alcohol, tobacco or prescription medicines. Intoxicating substances are psychoactive substances with the capacity to stimulate or depress a person’s central nervous system and are referred to as New Psychoactive Substances (NPS).
  2. Begging: No person shall beg (using either active or passive methods of obtaining alms) or ask members of the public for money in a public place.
  3. Drinking alcohol: No person shall consume alcohol in a public place (excluding licensed premises) in a manner which causes a nuisance or annoyance to other persons in the locality.
  4. Urinating or defecating in public: No person shall urinate or defecate in a public place (excluding public toilets).
  5. Loitering if causing or are likely to cause anti-social behaviour: No person shall loiter in a public place, either as an individual or in a group, if they are causing or likely to cause anti-social behaviour. If asked to disperse by a Police Constable, Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) or an authorised officer of the Council, that person must not return to the public place for a period of 24 hours.

For the PSPO to be renewed, evidence is required from businesses to say that it is still required. The BID has already submitted a formal response but Derby City Council would like to hear from any business which has witnessed the behaviours above and who would support the renewal of the PSPO. If you are able to provide a statement, please email to and we will forward to Derby City Council on your behalf.



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