Permissive pavement licences introduced by Derby City Council


Cathedral Quarter Pubs and cafes can now apply for permission to bring their services outdoors.

‘Permissive pavement licences’ are being introduced by the Council to help more hospitality businesses reopen after lockdown, whilst still observing social distancing rules.

Outside licences would normally take at least 28 days to be processed, including a consultation period, but the new licence, which will last up to one year, could take just five workings days to process after the initial site visit and subject to receiving no objections.  If objections are received, there will be an additional five working days to address the issues raised.  If objections are not resolved then the licence will not be granted. The licence will be reviewed every three months and will cost the business £100.

Interested businesses should contact Derby Live Space Hire by emailing, or calling 01332 640848 in the first instance, and need to consider the following:

      • area required
      • number of tables and chairs required
      • days of the week that the street café will operate
      • hours that it will operate
      • type of barriers that will be used
      • space for socially distanced queuing for entry to premises
      • consideration for disabled people, particularly visually impaired people and wheelchair users
      • consideration of effect on neighbouring properties (it is advised that the applicant consults with neighbours prior to making contact with Derby LIVE Space Hire)
      • public liability insurance for minimum cover of £5m is required
      • plans to implement Covid-19 prevention measures will be required



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