CQ & SPQ Businesses Supporting Businesses Facebook Group


During this unprecedented period of crisis, now is the time to support each other.

The Cathedral Quarter and St Peters Quarter BID’s have joined forces to launch the CQ & SPQ Businesses Supporting Businesses group – to help fellow small businesses in our city centre manage through this crisis.

Many businesses are in need of advice and support and are struggling with the downturn in custom.

We must all look at what we can do to support each other.

As COVID-19 spreads in the UK, and we begin spending more time indoors, we are inevitably spending less money with small businesses, all of whom rely on a regular flow of cash to pay salaries, rent and other essential expenses.

Any offers of support made in this group should NOT carry a cost or charge. Times are hard but please give, offer and share what you can.

To join the group, please request access here.



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