COVID 19 Business Resilience Survey

A survey has been created by Manchester Metropolitan University, on behalf of the government’s High Streets Task Force and the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government.
The purpose of this survey is to understand more about the impact on business of COVID-19 in particular locations.

The findings of the survey will be shared with government to help them understand and respond to the economic impact of the pandemic, so your participation is extremely valuable.

It will take less than 15 minutes to complete.

The COVID-19 Business Resilience Survey can be completed here:

Data protection and business anonymity

Information submitted to this survey will be held and managed by Manchester Metropolitan University, as host to the Institute of Place Management, acting as Data Controller. The Institute of Place Management will analyse the information collected in order to create an accumulated and anonymised picture of the industry to support its case to government. No data will be shared with any party outside of IPM that enables the identification of a specific business, or any other party to hold information about specific businesses.

The full version of the participant information sheet can be found here:

What will happen with the data I provide? 

The Manchester Metropolitan University (‘the University’) is the Data Controller in respect of this research and any personal data that you provide as a research participant. The University is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), and manages personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the University’s Data Protection Policy.

We will not share your data collected in this form with any third parties.

If your data is shared this will be under the terms of a Research Collaboration Agreement which defines use, and agrees confidentiality and information security provisions. It is the University’s policy to only publish anonymised data unless you have given your explicit written consent to be identified in the research. The University never sells personal data to third parties.

What will happen to the results of the research study?

The findings of the survey will be shared with Government and the High Streets Task Force to help them plan their support packages and programmes. We will also share findings with your Business Improvement District.

Finally, if you have any further questions/comments about this research, please contact: Institute of Place Management, Manchester Metropolitan University Faculty of Business and Law, All Saints Campus, Oxford Road, Manchester, M15 6BH.



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