BID’s delighted to announce collaboration with Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership


Cathedral Quarter and St Peters Quarter BIDs are delighted to announce the launch of a new collaboration with the Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership (DBCRP), providing levy-paying businesses with access to the county-wide scheme.

The DBCRP is a crime reduction scheme which makes it easier for businesses to work together to reduce crime and ASB.

Key benefits for levy payers include access to the DISC system (more on this below) which gives businesses the ability to share intel, report incidents to the Police via the app, view offender photo galleries, and to receive crime alerts and newsletters.

Introducing DISC

Businesses who sign up to the DBCRP scheme will have access to the ‘DISC’ app, which can be accessed via mobile phones or desktops.

DISC enables businesses to share intel and report ‘low level’ offences direct to the Police via a single easy to use and GDPR-compliant platform.

Helpful DISC Videos
There are a number of short video clips available that you may find useful in understanding the DISC system further. You may find the following videos particularly helpful:
* Communications: key to effective crime-reduction
* Identifying and reporting offenders
* Instant awareness


Frequently Asked Questions
How much will joining the Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership cost me?

Membership to the Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership will be completely FREE for levy-paying businesses for the first twelve months starting from 1st October when the scheme goes live. Cathedral Quarter BID will be covering the costs of the scheme for at least the first year, thanks in part to grant funding received from the Police & Crime Commissioners (PCC) office. Non-levy payers can also access the scheme but will be liable for the annual membership fee.

What will the DISC app allow me to do?

  • Easily report low-level crime to the Police through the app
  • Send and receive urgent and important alerts relating to crime & ASB
  • View galleries of known prolific offenders
  • Share Instant Messages, news, documents and ID-sought images
  • Share information about up-coming events
  • Manage exclusion schemes
  • Review crime data and trends
How do I become a member?

Businesses who wish to sign up to the scheme need to give their permission for their data to be shared with the Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership (DBCRP). You can do this by downloading the Consent to Share Information Form here and emailing to Once you have submitted your form you will be emailed by DBCRP with further details of the scheme and to complete the sign-up process.

How do I get the app?

You should receive your sign up email from the DBCRP by the end of September at the latest. Once you have completed the sign-up process, you can download the app from the AppStore (for iPhone) or Google Playstore (for Android) by searching for ‘Littoralis Disc App’. Load onto your smartphone, open it and follow the on-screen instructions.

Is the DBCRP legally compliant?

Yes. The DBCRP is fully compliant to GDPR, Data Protection Act 2018 and registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Contact our Rangers or the BID Team if you wish to discuss this with us.

Email –

Phone – 01332 419053



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