Advertorial Opportunity for CQ Food and Drink businesses



The Cathedral Quarter BID are producing a food and drink guide to be released in early September.

The guide will include all food and drink businesses in Cathedral Quarter and will be distributed at the University of Derby’s Freshers Week and also via a targeted mailing to local households.

We are inviting Food and Drink businesses to take up the opportunity of writing a small advertorial piece to feature in the guide. This will be in addition to the standard listing of your business.

The feature could be something as simple as ‘How to make the perfect cocktail’ or ‘The top five seasonal dishes’.

If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity please send your advertorial to us via email by Friday 23rd August. We will also need an accompanying hi res image that compliments the text.

We also advise you to take a look at your listing in our website directory to ensure that your details are correct and up to date as the online version of the guide will link to your individual business listing.

If you require any further information regarding this opportunity please contact the BID office via email or on 01332 419053



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