Promote your Business via our Grotto Goodie Bags this Christmas!


This Christmas we will be bringing a magical Christmas Grotto to the BID area which will be free for families to attend during the first three Saturdays of December.

Each child will receive a goodie bag featuring a Cathedral Quarter themed colouring book and other fun items.
We are giving businesses the option of including items within the bag, to help promote your business after the Christmas period – perhaps you wish to include a one off flyer to encourage spend in January, or a loyalty card to encourage repeat spend? The choice is yours….

We will be producing 1000 bags and any items to be included will need to be delivered to the BID office by 4th November.
If you would like to include something, please let us know via email or call 01332 419053


Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership Monthly Meeting

Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership Monthly Meeting


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