Market Place
A Boy Called Christmas follows a decidedly ordinary boy called Nikolas, nicknamed ‘Christmas’, who sets out on an extraordinary adventure into the snowy north in search of his father who is on a quest to find the fabled elf village of Elfheim. It’s a dangerous trek and Nikolas faces many obstacles but he eventually discovers Elfheim, which is only found through true faith. However, there he learns that humans are hugely unpopular and he’s thrown into a dungeon with a hungry troll and a truth pixie, who can’t tell lies. Starring Dame Maggie Smith, Jim Broadbent, Kirsten Wiig, Sally Hawkins and Henry Lawfull as Nickolas.
Cine Kids are family focused film screenings every weekend and during the school holidays. To hear when new Cine Kids films are announced please join our Cine Kids Facebook Group.
All tickets are £4.00 for Cine Kids Club members (which includes the whole family and their guests). Membership is now FREE and available from QUAD Box Office to families with children under 16. Call 01332 290606 to join and become eligible for discounted tickets.
Non-members also welcome, who will be charged the standard cinema ticket price. Please remember to bring your Membership card to the screening as proof of membership will be checked at Box Office.